Dear Dr. Daigler,
I just want to thank you for making a difficult moment in our lives so comfortably manageable. Friday the 22nd is still so surreal for me. I felt like I was in a fog and that whatever answers I may have given you were not well thought out. You made me feel so taken care of and thus Bailey felt so loved and protected. She was not fearful, she was not anxious......she was "ready" and relaxed. I simply can't express my appreciation for how beautifully you cared for Bailey and myself. Your compassion and professional manner provided us with the experience we had hoped & prayed for. The bed you provided for her journey was so thoughtful. My sincere gratitude for you being such a gentle, loving soul and being there in our time of "need."
Dear Christine,
We arrived home from picking up Kukak's ashes yesterday to find your lovely, comforting card. Thank you so much for everything you did to make Kukak's transition so peaceful for both him and us. To be able to do that at home where he was comfortable and relaxed was a gift. He was able to be himself until the end, even greeting you at the door like he did all visitors.
Again, thank you.
Michelle and Bill
Dear Christine,
We have thought of you often and shared wonderful stories of you with our friends as we've been in our healing process around saying goodbye to Jasmine. I remember reading your testimonials before contacting you and the word "angel" was used repeatedly. Now that we have experienced you, that seems to be the most apt description. From the moment you came into our home, Jasmine bonded with you. It felt as though she clearly knew you had "come to help her." We cannot imagine anyone would have been more perfect to assist Jasmine than you. She loved you and all her little bone treats. You helped an incredibly painful process become bearable because you created an experience that overflowed with reverence and beauty.
After you left on July 8th, we were both clearly in shock, yet felt very peaceful. It is still very strange to be without her. She has visited Vince in a very vivid dream, cuddling with him and licking his and my face, and that has helped. We keep seeing her happy and painfree and know we were blessed with 16 years with an amazing dog.
Thank you so much for your special and compassionate spirit. We will always remember you.
With love and blessings,
Ashi and Vince
I am healing and finally read your testimonials today. I wasn't surprised others referred to you "like an angel. As a grandma, I've rescued many dogs and cats in my lifetime. The pets I've not been able to place have become my "children", knowing my lifetime commitment included love, veterinarian care and always sadly that I would likely outlive most. With each loss, a part of my heart is ripped away. But my commitment and love for animals is knowing and promising each that I will let go when it is time and not selfishly hold on. Yet this time was so hard, I was so upset, so scared, so hurt, so unsure I was making the right decision. I know all pet lovers feel this same group of emotions. Thank you for helping me let go of my sweet Lil.
I found my kitty Lil, a small not yet weaned, ball of fur, in a field, on a walk with my niece 15 years ago. My niece insisted on the name "Lil", for lil kitty. She grew to a healthy, nurturing, loving, sweet cat. She loved car rides, walks, and possibly thought she was a dog at times. She slept cuddled next to my 9lb. runt Jack Russell, Penny and many other dogs and cats over time. She accepted 12 other rescue cats/kittens and 8 rescue dogs over the years. She licked the injured rescue's wounds, and slept next to each until they were placed in good homes. She was a Mom. Most rescues were placed, the unadoptable that remained with me, she unnaturally seemed to know of their fear, and stayed close to each. She also laid next to me, licking my tears away when I lost my parents. She was my most loyal, unconditional love, so human like friend.
Letting go is so hard, but this time I was in peace because of you, an experience I'll cherish for life. Thank you for holding my hand, assuring me as I let Lil go. Thank you for making this special service affordable for all, especially in this economy. I now know this is a need, not a want. That Friday, I had researched all services and wanted to let Lil go at home. She had spent too many days at my vets being poked with needles, shaved, x-rayed, etc. And because it was all of a sudden, time to let go, I did not want her to be in pain, I thank you for finding a way to put us first and get to my home. I again apologize for changing my mind at the last minute and asking you to change your schedule and take Lil with you for private cremation. I did not realize this service too was financially the same as my vet, and so much easier to say goodbye right then.
Thank you for not rushing us, for allowing me to grieve, to babble, for sharing your experiences with your love for pets, for your warmth, your "angelic way". I have since shared this service with many pet lovers at the large company I work at. As many others know, there are a lot of us animal lovers in this world. And there are also many that do not share our love for our "children, our spoiling of pets, our ways. I've met others that know you, have had you by their side when they too said good bye to their pet. I have had to say good bye too many times in this life and finally I am at peace knowing that I have a sincere pet lover friend that will be at my side when the time comes to let go of my other babies someday. Thank You and God Bless
Dear Christine - you were like an angel when you came to help us on Saturday. Bucky was the love of my life and I called him my miracle cat. He was a trooper all his life, from the time I found him as a stray kitten just hit by a car… to the time he got lost for 2 ½ months in the Colorado elements, and then especially when he was diagnosed with diabetes. He never complained about the shots, all he ever wanted was to eat his favorite foods, play outside, and get some petting in between. I dreaded the day I would have to say goodbye, but you made it easier by allowing him to be where he wanted at the end… outside ~ his favorite place to be. I am lucky to have been his mom for 15 years, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat if I could…. I miss him so much. Thank you for giving him the most peaceful passage possible…. I will always be grateful to you.
Dear Christine,
Marleen and I both express our genuine and heartfelt gratitude for helping us send Cody to a better place.
The way you approached Cody's transition made an otherwise sad and difficult situation a beautiful and spiritual experience. I'm sure if Cody himself could express his appreciation, he too would say how grateful he was for your kind, thoughtful and gentle ministrations. The way you handled his transition allowed him to go peacefully; humanely, with dignity. Cody deserved no less for all his years of unconditional love and loyalty. He had a beautiful soul which we will forever and sadly miss.
Should I encounter others with a similar need, I will certainly make them aware of you. The way you handled things during our time of need was indeed rare and exceptional. Marleen and I are grateful to you, as I'm sure others have been when confronted with similar circumstances.
Again...a very warm and heartfelt thank you. From me and Marleen; from Cody. Yours is not an easy vocation, and I offer you much gratitude and appreciation for the difficult work you've chosen; how beautifully you approach it. I'm sure Marleen and I aren't the only ones you've touched this way; who ultimately feel the same level of appreciation towards your kind and gentle ways.
Steve & Marleen
Hi Dr. Daigler.
I just can't tell you how much I appreciate what you do for animals and what you did for my sweet Timber. I have always been so afraid of loss and death, and the thought of putting Timber to sleep scared me because I thought it would be painful and horrible to see. I just never imagined it could be so peaceful and comforting. And it truly was. Never again will I consider taking an animal to a vet's office if they need to be put to sleep. I have told everyone about you and what amazing care you took of Timber and of us last week. Everyone deserves to die comfortably and with dignity and I am so happy you were able to help Timber do this. We are looking forward to getting her ashes back to "watch over us" as she did before! Again, thank you. You have such a gift with people and animals.
Warm regards, Melissa :)
Dear Christine,
Our heartfelt thanks for helping Mr. Fluffy have a peaceful and dignified transition last Sunday. He was the sweetest, gentlest little guy and we were heartbroken when he was diagnosed with FIP. I promised him no more trips; no more procedures. We wanted him to die at home, surrounded by love, without panic or distress. As soon as you arrived I knew we had made the right decision and we deeply appreciate your kindness and compassion as you helped him pass over the rainbow bridge. It was a great relief to be able to hold him in my lap, sitting in his favorite chair, petting him as he left us. You made an extremely sad and difficult experience much more bearable. I am sure that Mr. Fluffy joins us in our appreciation of your thoughtful kindness.
Many of our friends have beloved companion animals and may sadly need your services at some point. I would not hesitate hesitate to recommend you.
Dear Dr. Daigler,
Jaimee and I wanted to send a quick note to express our profound thanks again for your compassionate care of our beloved pet Tanner in his final moments with us. As must be the case for all of the pets and families in your care, Tanner was truly loved and our family has experienced a tremendous loss with which we will continue to struggle for some time.
Last Thursday, Jaimee and I did our best to prepare our boys for Tanner's passing by letting them know that an angel was coming to take him to a better place where he would no longer be in pain and could run and play again. It turns out that we could not have been more right. Your care for Tanner (as well as for Jaimee and I) was truly remarkable and brought a measureable amount of peace to what otherwise was a heart shattering event. Thanks to you, we will forever have fond memories of even our last moments in the company of such a great friend.
Sincerely and with great thanks,
Ken, Jaimee, Jake, Max, Kyera, Marley, and most of all - Tanner